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Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

As an education charity, we are fully committed to advancing education for the public benefit.

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  • Adaptability

  • Creativity & Innovation

  • Humility

  • Collaboration

  • Humour & Positivity

  • Supportiveness & Trust

Class Structure

Every year, when children are moving to their next year group, we support their wellbeing by discussing transition with the children during assembly and class Circle Times.

As a two-form entry school, we are fortunate to be able to offer our children the experience of collaborating with a wider range of children as most year groups have 60+ children. We are able to mix our year group cohorts so that all children in two form entry year groups go into different classes. Class teachers are involved in this process from the beginning to ensure that children are with at least one of their friends and that this split fosters the behaviour for learning that we expect children to develop. This forms part of what we do at Ebbsfleet Green Primary School. 

 For those children with only one-form of entry for their year group, their class group will remain the same; however, there will be lots of opportunities for them to mix with the wider school community as they have done previously through lunchtimes, play times, Big Outcomes, Educational Visits and school events.

When class lists go out, there would not be any opportunity for these to change.
